Thomas Vogelaar

Programming With Chronic Pain

If you know me personally you’ll know that I’ve dealt with chronic pain for years. Mainly, I’ve had issues with my shoulders, arms and wrists/hands. Despite a myriad of medical appointments, physios, scans, etc. it persists. Unlike many, I’ve been lucky to at least get what appears to be an accurate diagnosis in my case (multi-lateral shoulder instability, bursitis and a history of tennis elbow), but the road to recovery is a slow one. Over the years I’ve tried the whole range of solutions to alleviate the pain with most having minimal impact, but a few things have made a notable impact that I’d like to share with you.

The Copilot Pause

If you regularly use GitHub Copilot or another AI code completion tool, I want you to try something: just briefly turn it off and continue with whatever you’re programming at the moment.

Do you feel it? The Pause?

Deploying a Hugo Blog to Cloudflare Pages

As I wrote about in my previous post I’ve recently built my blog in Hugo. This post details how to deploy a Hugo blog to Cloudflare Pages, using my own site as an example. I will be assuming that you’re using Github, but this should also work the same for other supported Git providers.

Building a Blog With Hugo (My Experience)

Over time I’ve found myself collecting random thoughts in short writeups on my phone notes, so I decided to cobble them together in a blog to throw online. This lined up pretty well with that regular urge to start a side-project that I know I’ll never finish, so I decided to build a blog with Hugo. This post covers the process of creating the site and the decisions made along the way.